Portable Wargame: Electronic Version

The following pages allow a wargame to be played on a square grid battlefield. Inspiration for creating the game pages came from The Portable Wargame rules written by Bob Cordery (please try them out!) and the grid wargames of Joe Morschauser. There's no AI opponent I'm afraid, just draggable figures and terrain.

Samurai, 8x8 board:  Play / Download as zip  / Screenshot

Horse & musket, 8x8 board:  Play / Download as zip  / Screenshot

If you double click on a unit in these two games then you will see a white flag/yellow stripe than can indicate that it has taken a hit.

C20th top down with unit facing, 8x8 board:   Play / Download as zip  / Screenshot

If you double click on a unit then it rotates right 90 degrees. Most scenery rotates on double click. If you double click on a building image then the roof comes off.

C20th top down with unit facing, 12x8 board:   Play / Download as zip  / Screenshot

This version is designed to fit on a 1280x1024 monitor in full-screen browser mode. It includes bonus Martians. A stack of damage markers has been added to allow recording SP loss for the Big Board Portable Wargame rules.

C20th top down with unit facing, 12x12 board:   Play / Download as zip

C20th top down with unit facing, 12x16 board:   Play / Download as zip

These versions will need a big screen or the use of the zoom-out feature in your web browser: <CTRL>-

English Civil War top down with unit facing, 12x8 board:   Play / Download as zip / Screenshot / Screenshot

Pre-dreadnought, hexagons, 12x14 board:   Play / Download as zip / Screenshot / Screenshot

Double clicking on a ship makes a control image appear that can be used to change its facing or edit its label. See here for more information.

C20th, hexagons, 13x9 board, block style units:   Play / Download as zip /  Screenshot

This uses the same control method as the pre-dreadnought game.

Horse and Musket top down with squares:   Play / Download as zip /  Screenshot

Double clicking on a unit makes a control image appear that can be used to change its facing or edit its label.

C20th, squares, 12x16 board: block style units, green background:   Play / Download as zip /  Screenshot

C20th, squares, 12x16 board: block style units, brown background:   Play / Download as zip /  Screenshot

Double clicking on a unit makes a control image appear that can be used to change its facing or edit its label.

General Purpose Card Deck:  Play / Download as zip /  Screenshot 1 /  Screenshot 2

Please see the notes at the bottom of the card deck page for information on how to use it.

C20th top down, 12x8 board Mark2, Coloured Units:   Play / Download as zip /  Screenshot

Double clicking on a unit makes a control image appear that can be used to change its facing or edit its label. Units have a coloured border that can be used with the card deck page for card activated turn sequences. There is a stack of orange markers to indicate which units have had their turn, if you use a card turn sequence that indicates which side moves, rather than which individual unit.

Notes on Playing

Scroll down to find stacks of terrain tiles and objects to drag up on to the map.

If you double click on the red square underneath the save button this takes the safety catch off of the load game and clear board buttons.

The save game button uses the HTML5 local storage feature and saves the position of all moveable objects. There's only one saved game and it's saved to your local computer and the particular browser you are using. If you clear out your browser's temporary files, goodbye saved game! When you switch between different game page it's best to use the Clear Board button before you start to clear out local storage.

The 8x8 board Horse and Musket and C20th pages have been sized to fit onto an iPad screen, but unfortunately do not work with the iPad implementation of the Safari browser. Apparently they will work with the Atomic browser, which has a free version, but I have not tested this.

Red spots on the dice indicate unit activation points for the Portable Wargame rules.

Feel free to download, modify and improve!

Thanks go to:
Bob Cordery for inspiration
Aaron Boodman for the dom-drag script
and the designers at Junior General for the figures and vehicles.
